I volunteered to plant lettuce seedlings today. They were grown with care from seeds. A long black thick width plastic was placed on the cultivated soil. Holes were made at even intervals to plant the seedlings. I dug a small hole using fingers and placed a seedling each. To finish, the soil was covered, but it was not just putting it on the surface. Enough soil was also put underneath the plastic, and softly pressed the surface using both hands to finish.
Well, I am going to give you a question.
A:The soil on the edge is warmer.
B:The soil in the middle is warmer.
Here is the answer.
B:The soil in the middle is warmer.
It was easy, wasn’t it? The soil in the middle is warmer as it gets less impact with cold temperature. From this idea, there is something I could exercise wisdom. Seeds grown in the same condition do not always grow the same; Some grow well, and some grow less. I picked well-grown seedlings to plant on the edge of the plastic and less-grown seedlings in the middle.