ボランティアにかかる費用は? How much is to be required to do volunteering?

  • 2021-07-08
  • FAQ





Let us take a look at the cost of how much it takes when you go for volunteer work.

【Money that you will spend】

Most of the time, you will need to spend transportation from your pocket to the volunteer site that you are working. Therefore, to keep doing the role, it is recommended that the distance is close between your home to the site. When the distance is too far, you might not be able to travel too often as it becomes costly. However, it may not be a big problem when it is a one-time event. As for disaster relief volunteers, you will always need to pay for transportation to the volunteer site, meals that you eat, and accommodation that you stay in.
【Money that you might receive】

Normally, you are not paid at all for doing any volunteer works. However, you might receive a certain amount of money for transportation from the organization that you belong to. Depends on the events, meals may be provided. In other cases, you might receive small gifts from individuals that you had given hands. Being a volunteer, you don’t want to expect to receive something. Otherwise, it might be difficult to continue.