災害ボランティア経験者側と被災地受け入れ初心者側の気持ちのズレ The gap between experienced disaster volunteers and non-experienced in accepting volunteers.



Today, I’d like to write about the gap between experienced disaster volunteers and non-experienced in accepting volunteers in a disaster area. The intention of experienced volunteers such as me and other fellow volunteers is to help people who need support. If we can be of their help, we are willing to take our time and support them. We have heard about volunteering, but most people never asked for volunteers.

For example, the word ‘disaster volunteer’ is well-known and seen on TV. Many have gone to a disaster area and helped free of charge. You may also have heard that people in the disaster area feel worried about being offered volunteering. They worry about being asked for money for what they have done to them, or they might have to give a thank-you gift or something. So, it is not a good idea for an individual to go and knock on someone’s house and say, “I am here to help you as a volunteer! Is there anything I can do for you?” They are not always happy to say, “Yes, please.” If you are thinking of volunteering in a disaster area, my recommendation is to contact a window of a reliable organization in the disaster area, complete registration, and volunteer.