キッズパテシエ教室の手伝い Helping kids’ patissier classes.


I was taking a baking class before. My teacher only had classes for adults at that time, but she had started kids’ classes in later stages. She wanted to contribute her skills to food education for kids. She called me for help. I liked her so much, and I loved baking, so I had no objection to that. When she was teaching a small group of adults at home, there was only one kitchen. She had rent a facility with several kitchens in a room to start kids’ classes. She had invited many children and divided them into groups. Kids baked one whole cake each, or in other cases, they backed some small cakes to take home. I walked around the kitchens, talked with kids, and showed tips for mixing. Sometimes, kids’ could not mix the dough enough, and I gave hands. Every time, I was amazed at how perfectly they made cakes. I wanted to continue this role but had to leave as I moved.