お茶のボランティアって何だろう? Tea service volunteer?


This is a story of Tohoku’s big earthquake. What can I do? I was searching and searching through the internet. I saw many physical labor volunteers wanted articles, but I was not confident enough about those. I was searching and searching again. Finally, I found one that might suit me. I could apply for it myself, which does not require a company to join together.The volunteer organization consisted of four different groups: driving, physical labor, massage, and tea. I could drive, but I was not good at physical work. I didn’t have a massage specialist license. Tea would be the only one that might suit me, but what was the tea group doing? As I had contacted the organization, they said that tea people work together with massage people. I was so happy that it was a perfect position for me. We visited many temporary housing villages. Each village has a small assembly house that residents could gather for their hobbies etc.We used such a place to give free massages to the residents. My task was to work as a receptionist and welcome them. I served tea and snacks while they were waiting their turn. I also listened to their stories attentively. It was a great opportunity. I met many people and heard a lot of stories from them.