東京2020都市ボランティアで必要な英語力は? English skill for Olympics?


Supporting Olympic games as a volunteer may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance. You volunteer as you put on a cool uniform. How nice! Well, how much English skill required for the Tokyo 2020 city cast role? It is, of course, written in its application requirements, but here is my opinion. A position like a city cast needs more “Omotenashi heart” or “hospitality” than how much English skill you have. You are going to show the way when asked. However, it does not matter how much English you can speak because there are many other ways you can help visitors, such as pointing out the spot on a map or write down the name of the station in the alphabet, etc. I recommend this role as it is easy to start even if you are not confident enough with your English. Olympic games are not the only sports events. I see several international sports events throughout the year. There are several roles in each event you can choose from at your application.