逆におもてなしを受ける Hospitality from local people.


This is a story when I was volunteering after the big earthquake in the Tohoku region. Disaster victims in Tohoku were getting back to normal life a little by little. They were getting back to their job. As a disaster relief volunteer, I and other volunteers’ feelings were always want to be of help. We went to the place to give hands to support. However, we often got “Oh-moh-tee-nah-she” or “hospitality” from the local people. Sometimes, fishermen brought us some kinds of seafood that they caught. Sometimes, residents of temporary housings brought us small gifts to eat. An elder man of temporary housing in a village, who used to be a chef in a restaurant, always prepared wonderful lunch for us. We often felt sorry for getting hospitality from someone who needed support. And we didn’t mean that we wanted to receive something or being thanked for doing something. We appreciated their “Oh-moh-tee-nah-she” and we always got warm feelings.