通訳の役割とは Role of an interpreter.


My understanding of the role of an interpreter is to “connect” person A and person B (or situation such as group A and group B) who cannot communicate with each other due to different mother tongues. When I volunteer as an interpreter, people often misunderstand the role is to “deliver” messages. Here is an example of a sports event. I was volunteering as an interpreter. During a game, the opponent’s side of the head coach and the backup players were close to violating the rule. One of the senior event staff told me, “Go there and tell them XXX.” He thought it was a very normal thing that an interpreter goes and tells them such warnings. I told him to warn them directly on his own and that I would follow him and interpret for him. He did not accept it but said, “You go and warn them.” I had known the team was from a country of the predominance of men over women. I could easily imagine they would not listen to me, who looked like one of the ordinary event female staff; I was not a referee of the game. Since the senior event staff had pushed me to do so, I had to go there and gave the warning message. The reaction of the team was the same as I had imagined. It was during the game. Of course, they didn’t listen to me but ignored me. They looked at me at a glance. Their faces were as if they had said, “What the heck is she talking about??” It becomes meaningless when someone proceeds in the wrong way. No one gains any profit. There are more examples in my past experiences. If a company or an organization recruits volunteers, they should learn how to work with volunteers. Recently, I often see a new position called “liaison.” It is a good improvement and an example of having one liaison per player group. This role is to receive instructions or messages from event staff as a window person, deliver, and inform the players. I am glad I see such a good improvement.