あわてて被災地に行くな! Don’t rush to go to the disaster area for volunteering!


At disaster, don’t rush to go to the disaster area for relief activities, don’t make calls for inquiries whether the local area needs volunteers, and don’t send any relief supplies immediately after the disaster. I have learned it from disasters in Tohoku and Chiba as I have been volunteering for more than ten years. My heart hurts whenever I see disaster situations on television footage. Not only myself but everyone feels and wants to be of support or help. However, the area is chaotic right after the disaster. If we step into the spot, we cause trouble. The location is in chaos, and people cannot answer the phones. Even if they are available for receiving phones, we should still refrain from making calls so that they can pick up priority calls. The area is not ready to receive relief supplies due to the chaotic situation. Therefore, we, as disaster volunteers, watch the news and SNS to understand the status. When it becomes less chaos, volunteer needs begin. Then we move. If anyone wants to be of help immediately and cannot wait, I would like to recommend sending supporting funds or donations through well-known organizations that collect fundings.