無給ボランティアとアルバイトが同じ職種? The same roles for volunteers and paid workers?




This is a story about Tokyo2020. There is a topic that non-paid volunteers and paid workers are doing the same role, which non-paid volunteers feel not fair. I was wondering if it was true. According to my past experiences, I thought it was untrue. I am going to share two stories.

I was helping with a marathon event to help register foreign runners. One staff out of ten volunteers was paid worker. She was Chinese and hired to support registration, especially for Chinese runners. Almost all the runners were Chinese, so she alone was working mainly in the front. Others were sitting back and not doing much job.

In another event, there were people selling tickets using terminal equipment in ticket booths. Volunteers were standing at the entrance gate, tearing stubs, returning the other stubs, and let people in the stadium. At enlisting volunteers, there were no ticket selling roles. Therefore, those ticket people were probably from another company as paid workers. There were no such things that paid and non-paid were in the same position with the responsibility. They were different somehow.