TOEIC点数をあげたきっかけ What has motivated me to study for TOEIC?


This is a story about when I had improved my TOEIC score. In the past years, the TOEIC score was considered one of the requirements in Japan, especially in business companies. The company I belong to at that time also encouraged the employees to acquire good TOEIC scores. The company had expressed offering 50,000 JPY per month as an allowance if one had achieved a predetermined score. It was big news to me, and I studied English very hard. Finally, I had acquired the score and reported it to the company with an application to receive a 50,000 JPY allowance every month. It was only some months after I knew about the 50,000 JPY. It changed to 5,000 JPY. Why? I had no idea. As a result, I only received 5,000 JPY per month as an allowance. It was a big shock, but I would not have studied English so hard if I had not had such an opportunity and the news of receiving 50,000 JPY. I was busy doing my work tasks. Anyway, I was glad that I had improved my score. I was sure it helped a lot when I had applied for a new position in a new company. I used the ALC English study tool for the achievement. I had listened to CDs. I had memorized many vocabularies and idioms. I studied very hard.