2022年12月。東北復興応援ボランティア。December 2022. Volunteering in Tohoku, the northeast part of Japan.




December 2022. I have visited Tohoku, the northeast part of Japan, with a volunteer group helping people there since after the great earthquake in 2011. We visited three areas to offer free massages and a foot spa for local people there for relaxation. We borrowed assembly places in the Restoration Public Housing in the three locations.

Many people, mainly elders, came to see us. We offered green tea and snacks while they were waiting for their turn and after the treatment.

A new participant like me had met them for the first time, but they had opened their heart and shared their experience on the disaster day, their current situation, health issues, living, job, and so on. I was glad to meet with them, and it was a valuable experience.