柔らかく食べるならピーマンは横に切るべし Cutting green bell peppers.


I was a cooking volunteer today at ‘Children’s Cafeteria’ which helps feed children living in poverty. I and other volunteers prepared Bento lunch boxes with chicken & tomato, plus vegetables & pasta on the side. I am not super professional with cooking, but I can peel and/or cut vegetables forever. One of our food supporters had brought potatoes called Northern ruby, Inca-No-Hitomi (eye of Inca), and the Andes red as well as purple-colored onions. I peeled them and cut them. And then I was cutting green bell peppers lengthwise for pasta. Our volunteer leader came to me and showed me how to cut them. She said if I cut them crosswise, they are cooked soft. I see. I appreciate such small tips and I was glad I was here.