農薬・化学肥料不使用の農家でのボランティア Volunteer work at an organic vegetable farm


I volunteered at an organic farm for the first time and helped remove weeds. All the farms I had visited in the past needed more workers. They first did the priority farm works, and weeds were left as they were. This organic farm was in the same situation, and I saw weeds growing so big. The curious part about weeds is that they are different on every farm. The main weeds I saw on the organic farm were SUGINA or field horsetail. Its roots are spread widely under the ground, so picking it above the ground alone does not result in 100% removal. It takes time, and you need to be patient for about three years to kill it entirely.I am curious to learn how to grow organic vegetables here. I am excited to know about it and will be reporting it on this blog.