I was planning to go to some small islands in the south of Japan. I planed to visit one island to another and planned to do things I wanted. I had plenty of time and had one full free day on the last day of my trip. Then I came up with the idea of volunteering. I searched from the internet and found farming jobs in pineapple farms. They were regular recruiting jobs, not volunteer jobs, but I tried to apply for them. I suppose fans of their products, someone who knows, or acquaintances may want to help such farms, but none of the others might be interested in applying for volunteering. I didn’t have any connection to the farms. Therefore, I politely introduced myself. I have explained my volunteer experiences, enthusiasms, and so on. One of them replied and welcomed me. I was so happy but later got another reply from the same farm that they wanted to cancel it due to the harsh situation of COVID-19. I was unable to visit the farm for volunteering but purchased their pineapples from the internet. They were the best sweet pineapples I had eaten in my life. I will give it a try to volunteer at another time.