農業ボランティアの探し方 How to find farming volunteer work.

  • 2023-02-22
  • FAQ






1. アルバイト募集サイトの記事をあさる → 農業のキーワードで検索
2. ボランティア募集サイト記事をあさる → 農業のキーワードで検索
3. 横のつながり → 野菜好きな仲間からの情報
4. 横のつながり → ボランティア仲間からの情報
5. 横のつながり → 農園で働いている方からの情報

Volunteer friends often ask me, “Sara, how do you find farming volunteer work?” I often search for volunteer work proactively, and sometimes information comes naturally.

I usually work full-time doing office administration. I have things to do on weekends. Therefore, I cannot volunteer frequently. I can only go out when I have time, and I can only work at a support level. I only work in farms that accept volunteers like me.

Other farms who had refused me said they didn’t have time to teach me how to do it unless I would come to work at least a couple of times a week.

Currently, the destinations are stable. I know which farms I am going. Sometimes I get new information. Then my list of destinations increases. Some farms recruit spot staff only when they are busy. I often find those farms are good ones, and I want to volunteer again.

Some examples of how to find faming volunteer works:

1. Searching from part-time staff wanted web articles → “farm” as a keyword
2. Searching from volunteer staff wanted web articles → “farm” as a keyword
3. Horizontal connections → Information from vege friends
4. Horizontal connections  → Information from volunteer friends
5. Horizontal connections  → Information from people who work in farms