いちごの苗を植える Planting strawberry seedlings.





I volunteered to plant strawberry seedlings on a farm for the first time. They needed more helpers to plant seedlings once a year in the autumn. In the beginning, experienced helpers taught the first-comers like me and other helpers. We learned how to plant them.

Rainwater gutters were used for growing seedlings. At the planting stage, we cut soils together with strawberry roots using scissors. Then we planted the seedlings one by one. We were worried cutting roots was still ok, but the farm owner explained it would help roots stretch widely and grow strong.

At lunchtime, the owner told us we were behind from planned. The experienced helpers had left before lunchtime. So, it was a bit of pressure for us, but we felt so happy with the lunch offered. We enjoyed it so much. We could continue the rest of the farm work in the afternoon.

The procedure learned in the morning had many steps. We recognized we could not do the same way as in the morning. We had considered and found the most efficient way to proceed as quickly as possible. We worked as a team and completed all the tasks by the planned time. It was hard work and tiring, but we had a feeling of accomplishment.