私がボランティアを始めた理由 Why Volunteer?

  • 2021-07-08
  • FAQ





Why did I start volunteering? When I say “I’m volunteering XXX,” people around me give good comments on me as if I am such a great person contributing time and the work. However, I am not that wonderful person they would imagine. I think I am volunteering for my benefit. As a result, it became others benefit as well.

For example, I started a language support volunteer as I wanted to brush up on my English. It fit me perfectly. I could begin immediately without any professional skills. In addition, most events and projects were one-day or short-term events. I was able to volunteer on weekends while I had a full-time job on weekdays.

Other roles such as disaster relief & restoration support were different.The great earthquake in Tohoku, the North part of Japan, was heartbreaking. I had a strong feeling about Tohoku as I was originally from there, and I had been there for downhill skiing many times. I had the same feeling when Chiba-Boso, 130 kilometers South of Tokyo, was damaged after big typhoons. I volunteered as I wanted to support and help somehow.

I spent my time contributing to a variety of volunteer roles. In most cases, no one had thanked me for doing them. It’s ok. I have been learning so many things, and I have been enjoying meeting new people. That’s why I loved it.I would encourage others to give it a go.