傾聴で気を付けるべき重要なこと Key points for attentive hearing.


All members of the Tohoku recovery support volunteer organization where I belonged had learned about the attentive hearing by reading the same book to prepare for it. Reading the book was not enough. Our leader taught us important things in detail. We often saw TV news using the word “Gah-ray-hey” or “rubbles” for the items washed away by Tsunami. They might be just rubbles for third persons, but they used to be precious properties for the local people. Therefore, we were taught not to use the word without concerning them. In addition, we learned that we were not supposed to use the words such as “house” or “family.” The Tsunami had washed away many houses, other houses were left safe, many people had lost their families, and other people saved their lives. Every person has a different background. We could hurt the local people. So, we had to be very careful with what we spoke. Our leader had done a great job training us.