スキーで転んだ生徒を起こす Helping kids who have fallen.


One of the important roles is helping groups of school kids who have fallen and setting on their legs in a ski resort. Some remaining instructors are taking this role. When groups of kids manage to ski in a beginner’s slope, instructors will go to the next level of steeper slope for kids to challenge and improve better. Every kid feels so scared of the steeper slope, and most of them freeze. Finally, one kid is fallen. Other kids see this, and they cannot keep standing. It spreads like a contagion. Sometimes all the kids of the group fall. Instructors help their group of kids, but one cannot set all the legs alone. Here the remaining instructors come right away and help them immediately. One day, I was teaching a group of girls group on a steeper slope. A remaining male instructor came and helped one of them. After we had made it, they were a bit noisy. I asked them what was going on. One of them said, “Please tell me. What is the name of the instructor who had helped me?” I often hear this kind of heart-pounding story. They are adorable.